How To Create Footer In WordPress Website Without Plugin

If you’ve built the entire website and now want to create a good-looking footer on your WordPress website, then read these steps because designing Amazing footers isn’t a difficult task, just follow this article and do the same. That’s all.

Simply paste these CSS Codes in Additional CSS Box

.inside-footer-widgets h2{
.inside-footer-widgets .rpwwt-widget ul li{
.inside-footer-widgets ul li{
.footer-widget-1 p {

/* Footer */
@media (min-width: 769px) {
 .footer-widgets-container .footer-widget-1 {
.footer-widget-2 {
.footer-widget-3 {

To create a custom footer without using a plugin in the GeneratePress theme, you can follow these steps:

  1. Access Theme Editor:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to “Appearance” and select “Theme Editor.”
  2. Open Footer Template:
    • On the right side of the Theme Editor, find and select “Footer” or “footer.php.”
  3. Edit Footer Code:
    • Insert your custom footer code directly into the footer template. You can add HTML, CSS, and JavaScript as needed.
<footer class="custom-footer">
    <div class="footer-content">
        <!-- Your footer content goes here -->
        <p>&copy; 2023 Your Website. All Rights Reserved.</p>
  1. Customize the HTML structure and content according to your needs.
  2. Save Changes:
    • After making your changes, click the “Update File” button to save the modifications.
  3. Style Your Footer:
    • If you want to add custom styles, you can do so by adding CSS in the “Additional CSS” section or in your theme’s customizer.
/* Example CSS for styling the custom footer */
.custom-footer {
    background-color: #f8f8f8;
    padding: 20px;
    text-align: center;

.footer-content {
    max-width: 1200px;
    margin: 0 auto;
  1. Adjust the styles to match your design preferences.
  2. Check Your Site:
    • Visit your website to see the changes in action. Navigate to any page and scroll down to view your custom footer.

make sure that modifying or editing theme files directly is risy and can create problems if you amke mistake. so its very importent to Make a backup before editing or adding the code. If you’re unsure, so hire a developer or use a child theme to ensure your changes are kept during theme upgrades.

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